Elijah's 4-H Achievement Days went really well! Her projects turned in were a white squirrel in textiles, toffee scones in foods/drop cookie category, dog rally obedience and dog showmanship. The first night her group ran the concessions stand. She had an interview with the judge for her squirrel and came back with a blue ribbon. I was very proud of her and her squirrel. Friday was the dog show... man it took all morning 8am-2pm we were so tired!! Elijah received a white in rally obedience and a blue in showmanship. Her scones got a purple ribbon, they were yummy!
She was so excited about every one's exhibits and I told her to make a list of goals for next year, she can do it if she put some effort into it. That's what 4-H is about... your individual effort on your project, doing things to the best of their ability!
Elijah, what a good 4H'er you are.Your white squirrel looks really pretty and toffe scones (grandma's never made them) and then theres that Lilly good job on training her I'm sure at time it was hard, but you did it...I'm proud of you now hang on to the ribbons so we can see them
Way to go Elijah!!! You did a great job!!!
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