Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Yeah, yeah, yeah... you hear a lot of goals from my mouth and yet I can't get things accomplished, I plan and prep more than I do. Like craft/art shows. I want to, I really do! I would like to have a booth, but I'm so selfish I get nothing accomplished! With that being said, I've had enough "Talking" and am committed to doing one in November! I made a list of items I would like to get accomplished my then. I filled out the application for the booth and mailed my check out. So I am officially committed to this! I have a bunch of empty shelves in my dining room set up for all my work, so I have a daily reminder of what I am accomplishing or not accomplishing. I will have.. as my goal.... crocheted items (such as toys, rugs, bookmarks), painted items (ornaments, rosemaling) which will cover a wide range.... so wish me luck, pray for productivity!!


Sandy said...

Brandy I do wish you luck on getting ready. I know you can do it. You do really good work. I have one of you ornaments and so does Donna and we think their Great. Have fun with it.

Tess said...

You can do it!!! I do have a request.. Since we painted our living room... I need a new cat rug!!!! :-)