Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sign Language

I've been learning sign language for a while now. I've taken the beginners class 2 times. Nikki, my teacher, decided I need to help teach beginners this time around. So I'm helping teach. It's been really fun.

We meet weekly and have such a fun beginners class. Nikki and I both have 2 kids taking the class. Along with them there are 2 other children and a number of adults. I'm so pleased!!

But we HAVE to move on and do a "Sign 2" class as well!! So... A while back, Nikki and I were having McD's with our pastor's wife Beth when I was sharing that we used to come every week and practice our signing. She perked up and we found she has a real heart for signing too and that she had taken a class many years ago. We also have a fellow church member, Nick who knows sign and is so kind in coming along side Nikki, Beth and I as we learn the language. Sign 2 is challenging as we are learning more than words... How to actually communicate with one another. But it is fun for Nikki and I to try using "less words" and use our hands. We were ordering our breakfast in sign to eachother this morning and made our table mates "jealous" we were communicating without them. HA!

The following pictures are the 4 of us signing the song "Word of God Speak" for church one Sunday morning.

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